This blog’s purpose is to share highlights and inputs about topics dealing with coaching. I write about social psychology, learning and development, leadership or neurosciences. These blog posts are giving my point of view, they are open to feedback and criticism and I would be happy to discuss them with you.
Harnessing Emotions for Energy: Insights from Ethan Kross on Coaching and Emotion Regulation
Emotions are often seen as forces that drain us, hijacking our thoughts and leaving us exhausted. However, what if we could harness them as sources of energy, rather than letting them deplete us?
Building a Consistent Strategy: Connecting Values, Leadership, and Management
Strategy sets the direction, but values are the foundation that holds everything together. Without them, even the best plans fall apart. Are your organization's values truly driving culture and decisions—or just words on a wall? Let’s discuss!
Embracing Radical Candor: How Tough Conversations Become Acts of Care
There’s a common misconception in the workplace that kindness means avoiding difficult conversations. But true kindness isn’t about shielding people from their shortcomings; it’s about helping them grow. As leaders, it’s crucial to remember that explaining to someone they aren’t meeting expectations isn’t harsh—it’s one of the most caring things you can do. This principle is central to leadership coaching and the concept of “radical candor,” which combines empathy with honest, constructive feedback.
Book Review: Marshall Goldsmith's "What Got You Here Won’t Get You There"
As an HR professional and coach, I firmly believe in the capacity of people to grow, learn, and improve both personally and professionally. In my experience, motivation and self-awareness are the key drivers of transformation. When someone tells me, "I am who I am, and I can’t change," I like to challenge them with a simple question: Are you the same person you were five years ago? More often than not, they acknowledge that they’ve changed. And for those who insist they haven’t, I ask a follow-up: What have you learned in the past five years?—the answer is rarely “nothing.
Fostering Trust: The Essential Ingredient for Performance. But How?
The undeniable impact of trust on success prompts us to explore how to build, nurture, and fortify it within our organizations. Here, we will build upon the valuable contributions of Frances Frei, Simon Sinek, and Patrick Lencioni.
Leadership Excellence: Navigating Success Through Core Values
What is the most important? Core values or leadership skills?
Empowering the Middle: Are middle managers optimizing their impact?
Where Senior Leaders Can Better Support Middle Managers, with Emily Field
Teammateship and leadership are inseparable
No leader without a team, everything about teammateship
I agree to disagree
Conflict is normal and must not be avoided. How to deal with? I propose a conflict resolution approach.
How to deal with Passive aggressive people?
Passive-aggressive behaviors are the cancer of the workplace. Think You! can help you to deal with it.
How much do you feel yourself listened to?
Are we listening? Some tips to improve our listening abilities and so your leadership
Wandering versus focusing: how to provide psychological safety for yourself?
How to help your brain to focus and control your mind wandering
Respect brings performance, coaching too!
Encouraging respect in your company will increase its performance
Continuous Learning: the biggest impact on the business!
Coaching to support continuous learning
Chickens and competition
Why we need to prevent any super chicken culture to make our organizations thrive
Data are not the Graal, we need to keep the necessary human touch to succeed in business. Coaches must support leaders and managers to balance technology/data with creativity and risk taking.
Developing the curiosity of our collaborators, a key component to achieve a continuous learning culture
Curiosity the most important ingredient for a continuous learning culture.