Developing the curiosity of our collaborators, a key component to achieve a continuous learning culture

Let’s continue about learning and continuous learning culture. It is an interesting point for a coach and an HR professional. To get a profit from coaching you need a growth mindset, to achieve rolling out a continuous learning mind you need to make having a growth mindset evident in your company. How to develop a gross mindset, by encouraging, supporting, celebrating curiosity. Ramsey Musallam gives his recipe by sharing his experience as a chemistry teacher: encourage curiosity, don’t fear the messy process of trial, and encourage reflection. It takes just 5 minutes to watch his explosive experience

To understand why the emotion called curiosity is fueling continuous learning culture I encourage you to attend the training proposed by Stella Collins on LinkedIn Learning. This training called Using Neuroscience for more effective L&D gives you the necessary inputs to understand how your brain behaves when it learns. It also gives input about how to optimize your learning activities. Curiosity is one of the main emotions which stimulates your pleasure to learn. So how to simulate curiosity at work? I suggest the following nuggets:

  • Proposing stimulating pieces of training,

  • Encouraging people to ask questions in their scope of work or not,

  • Proposing curiosity challenges as the “Why” of the week, for example, letting the company experts answer the questions,

  • Introducing gamification in your learning process rewarding curiosity and collaboration

  • Training managers to coach and open questions techniques to make their staff challenge themselves and the processes in a positive way: what made our success in the past won’t necessarily make it in the future.

    And you, what are your tools to spark curiosity in your organization?


What about recruiting “coachable” persons?


Active Learning: another pillar for an engaging continuous learning culture.