Transformational Life Coaching: Creating Limitless Opportunities for Yourself and Others
Usually, I make blog notes about podcasts or videos, but, from time to time, it is good to come back to slow learning and to just read a book. So today I share with you what I learnt from Dr Cherie Carter-Scott’s book: “Transformational Life Coaching: Creating Limitless Opportunities for Yourself and Others”. What is the purpose of this book? To teach future coaches of course but also give an overview to people just interested in what is coaching and how transformational it is.
To be transparent I must warn you that I am not objective regarding this book: it is one of the main support of my coaching training achieved with MMS in 2020, and I just want to share what are, in my opinion, some of this book's main contributions.
My first advice is to read it as a self-development or even better a self-coaching experience. To do so you can summarize each chapter using the Cornell taking notes method with just a small improvement: making your personal action plan for each chapter as I did for myself.
All chapters are giving you the occasion to improve yourself and cultivate your growth mindset. Few examples:
Relationship with the self: first coaching is the coaching of yourself, how to develop your self-confidence and define what you truly want to commit yourself to get it
Awareness: all personal changes start with self-awareness, what am I feeling? As a personal development activity, you can daily explore your emotional status and daily writing down about it.
Listening and connecting: no judgement to experience real empathy and to keep the flow. As a coach, you can start a coaching journal to enhance every day your coaching or self-coaching practice.
Choices and decisions: what is the difference? How to clean up your mind to take the best choice, to make the best decision for yourself. My action: pay more attention to my beliefs and my “coachees’ ” beliefs. Beliefs are often a limit to our growth mindset and to our ability to change.
Articulating Objectives and Manifesting reality: Beyond the classic SMART goals, the contribution I got from this chapter is that we can, with simple actions, maintain a constant commitment to our goals. Regularly challenging our plans and reminding ourselves what we deserve is a key takeaway of this chapter.
Coaching myself: I am the CEO of my sub-personalities or inner voices and I can coach myself if I have an authentic relationship with myself; I can identify my patterns to change my habits.
I won’t detail all the chapters; of course, you can sometimes challenge the content but this book will give you real input about how powerful the coaching process can be. Of course, there are conditions for succeeding in coaching, some are coming from the coach, some are coming from the client and most are common. So if you want to truly understand what coaching is, beyond stereotypes or beliefs, take a look at this book