Change Habits - Hacking your brain
I am a big fan of the new horizons given by new digital tools and apps. On a HR perspective we can learn anytime, ask questions, contribute to a project, share ideas and take advices from the best experts in one second. We can look after and hire competencies with a smaller turnaround time. This fantastic agility can have a desastrous counterpart: addictions to digital and bad habits. Those harmful behaviors are making us less performant, less focused; they also can harm our organizations.
We can improve our relationship to the digital world by breaking those bad habits. Dr. Judson Brewer is proposing us 4 Steps to Break a Habit by getting more conscious of it (controlling the Trigger, Behavior, Reward process). This process can improve performance within organizations. It helps us to control our dopamine needs provided by likes, e-mails, chatting, WhatsApp... and make us more present to our current task, alone or with our team. So, have a watch and share your feedback: